An introduction to Family Dental Care, based in Doncaster East

Doncaster East, a suburb of Melbourne Victoria, is known to be a friendly and relaxed community, with shops and amenities at the fingertips of its residents and

Doncaster East is also home to dental practices like ourselves, Family Dental Care. So if you are currently based in Doncaster East or you are visiting the suburb and are in need of a dentist you are more than welcome to visit our dental practice.

Our practice was established in 1972, and with our dentists Dr Dennis Xanthis, Dr Dina Katrivesis and Dr Peter Kareti, Family Dental Care practice combines their wealth of knowledge and experience to provide an exemplary, caring and professional dental service to all of our patients.

With treatments for either cosmetic needs, preventive dentistry or general dentistry, Family Dental Care aims to ensure that the service our dentists provide is of the highest quality and professional standard.

Are you a new patient?

If you have not visited our practice before, we welcome you to have a first appointment with us so that we can identify your dental needs. Upon arrival at our practice, we will ask you to fill out one of our medical history forms. This is important for us as we will need to be aware of any medication you are currently on and your general health, in order for us to provide dental treatment which is most appropriate for you.

At this first appointment our dentist in Doncaster East will also take a full set of digital X-rays which will assist us in determining your dental health and to identify if there are any preventive steps we need to take. You will be fully informed of our findings and will also be given the opportunity to discuss with our dentist regarding any treatment you may want or that we suggest.

Our dentist in Doncaster East will compile for you a unique dental treatment plan, where your options will be discussed in full detail and the cost of any treatment will also be disclosed. You can rest assured that, with our practice Family Dental Care, your treatment is tailored just for you.

Our advanced services

Along with our treatments in preventive, general and cosmetic dentistry, Family Dental Care are proud to offer our patients advanced dental services. At times, some of our patients visit our practice with unique dental issues which can only be treated with one of our advanced services. Some of these services include laser dentistry, snoring and sleep apnoea treatments and procedures to relieve temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and bruxism.

Bruxism is also known as the grinding of teeth, which occurs for many individuals when they are sleeping. This means that for the majority of individuals, they will not know they are doing this unless they are told by someone else. Bruxism can be particularly damaging to teeth as it can destroy tooth enamel and can shift the position of a patient’s teeth.

At Family Dental Care we have invested in the latest technologies and most cutting edge modern materials so that our dentists are able to provide our patients with treatments which leave long lasting results. Our dentists also ensure that they are always up to date in their skills and knowledge by attending training and further education.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

Jul, 06, 2020
