Early Treatment

Early Treatment

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Sometimes young children with particular orthodontic problems may benefit from early interceptive orthodontics. This is orthodontic care that can be provided as young as age 6 or 7 and treatment may involve the use of fixed or removable orthodontic appliances. We keep a close eye on our younger patients and will recommend an early orthodontic evaluation if we think this will be beneficial for your child.

Why Might My Child Need Early Orthodontic Care?

Treatment could be helpful for your child if they have oral habits such as thumb or finger sucking and where this has affected the development of their teeth and jaws. Early treatment can help to correct problems caused by these habits, taking advantage of growth spurts to gently guide the development of their jaws. This can create more room for their adult teeth to erupt, potentially avoiding tooth removal and may reduce the time required for orthodontics during their teens.
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