Noticed an erupting wisdom tooth? 5 reasons to see our dentist as soon as you can!

Are you an adolescent who is noticing discomfort in your jaw? Does it hurt when you chew food?

Unfortunately, the sudden presence of discomfort in the jaws of teenagers is not uncommon and can signify the eruption of wisdom teeth.wisdom-tooth

While their street name is wisdom teeth, there seems to be very little about them which is wise! Often erupting before the age of 18, they can cause a myriad of issues in a crowded or smaller mouth, causing many teenagers to head for their nearest dental surgery.

At Family Dental Care our team knows all about wisdom teeth and can assess any issues that they may be causing to your jaw and or teeth. Our dentist in Doncaster East will examine your jaw and gums to determine any future issues that these teeth may cause if left to erupt and if necessary will schedule you in for an extraction. Simple!

But what are some of the most common issues that wisdom teeth can cause?


You have probably heard of an impacted tooth but what is it exactly?

Simply put, an impacted tooth occurs when a tooth is attempting to erupt but is doing so at an incorrect angle. The result is a crown (or top of the tooth) crashing into the roots of a nearby tooth. Yikes!

If our dentist in Doncaster East suspects a dental impaction, an X-Ray will be taken and we will schedule you in for tooth extraction as soon as possible.


A partially erupted wisdom tooth can form gaps between the tooth and the surrounding gum.

Smaller particles of food or debris can get caught and lead to an infection forming under the gumline as the food begins to rot. Yikes!

Once again, the only real option for this is an extraction but our dentist in Doncaster East will aim to clean the area first and alleviate any discomfort caused by the associated infection.


Discomfort is, unfortunately, a rather large part of wisdom tooth eruption.

As many teenagers have told our team, even without an impaction or associated issues, this discomfort can be distracting, leading to issues with concentration at school and creating problems with sleep.

If this discomfort becomes unmanageable with over the counter pain relief, book an appointment to see our team as soon as possible!


OK, going back to impaction and associated eruption problems, your newly emerging wisdom teeth can actually lead to damage occurring with surrounding teeth.

No, we aren’t kidding! If the wisdom tooth is left to push against the root of a nearby tooth, it can cause the roots to crack or fragment, which aside from causing a great deal of discomfort, may have to lead to extraction and bone grafting.

So, please visit our team the instant you spot an erupting wisdom tooth!


Inflammation around a newly emerging tooth is fairly normal. However, as wisdom teeth take longer to emerge, this inflammation can become painful and prevent daily dental hygiene from occurring.


All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.

Dec, 01, 2020
