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Strong and healthy gums support the teeth and are vital for good dental health. Our dentist will carefully assess your gum health at every check-up so any changes can quickly be detected. Gum disease is extremely common but is easily curable when treated during its early stages.

What Are the Signs of Gum Disease?

Common signs include gums that have begun to bleed slightly during brushing or flossing. Your gums could look red and swollen, and if the disease has progressed, they may feel tender to touch or will have begun to recede.


What to Do If You Think You Have Gum Disease

If you are concerned about your gum health, please come to see us as soon as possible. Using advanced diagnostics, we can quickly determine if you have any indication of gum disease, before providing the most up-to-date and appropriate treatment to help eradicate or control this bacterial infection.

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