Orthodontics at Family Dental Care
Have you ever wondered if braces could help you or another family member? Overcrowded or misaligned teeth are often tricky to keep clean and can wear down unevenly, potentially affecting facial appearance and even your jaw joints. Orthodontics can create a more pleasing smile and may help to improve dental health by making it easier to keep your teeth thoroughly clean. We can provide a comprehensive choice of braces and orthodontic appliances suitable for all ages. Our dentists have experience in providing treatments that include early childhood orthodontics and adult braces.
How Can Early Orthodontics Help?
A child can have an early orthodontic evaluation as soon as age 6 or 7. Treatment at this age can be very useful because the teeth and jaws are still developing and their growth can be carefully guided. Early orthodontics can help create an attractive facial profile and may reduce treatment times during adolescence.
Am I Too Old for Braces?
Orthodontics isn’t just for children and young adults and age is not a barrier to treatment. We have a range of discreet fixed and removable appliances that could help you achieve a straighter smile, sometimes in just a matter of months.
Contact us to find out more.