What does a dental check-up reveal about you? Our dentist answers that question below
Have you ever wondered how much is revealed at a dental check-up?
Aside from looking for cavities, plaque and gum disease, there are many other things that can be deduced by a dental team from a quick glance in your mouth.
And luckily, thanks to modern-day dental technologies, we can help alleviate most issues that we find, even if they aren’t necessarily related to your teeth.
At Family Dental Care, our dentist in Doncaster East cares deeply about prevention of dental problems, which is why we are so big on dental check-ups and routine dental care. If you have missed a few check-ups or are concerned about your mouth in any way, then call us for an appointment.
So, what are some of the things that our dentist in Doncaster East knows about you from looking at your teeth?
If you smoke
If you are prone to smoking cigarettes, our dentist in Doncaster East will be able to spot it on your teeth.
Aside from the yellowing that comes with the consumption of tobacco, your gums will often appear redder and inflamed, due to the inflammatory properties of nicotine. And, should you wish to quit smoking, we can support you with cessation and can whiten your teeth to remove staining.
If you have GERD
GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is caused by the flap at the top of the stomach becoming loose. Due to this, stomach acid makes its way up the oesophagus and into the mouth, damaging the teeth.
Our team can spot signs of this as it will inevitably cause your teeth to succumb to acid damage, such as eroding and softening, increasing the chances of decay. We will treat this with fluoride sealants and, if necessary, provide you with acid neutralising mouthwash.
How much sugar you eat
Modern diets have a lot of sugar and, despite how well you may brush your teeth, there will be signs left behind from those sugary drinks.
A key sign is the yellowing of the enamel and enamel erosion, caused by the often high levels of acids in fizzy drinks and sweets. In this instance, we will usually apply fluoride sealants to protect your teeth from acid and will advise you on your diet.
If you bite your nails
This habit can do more than simply damage your nails.
Excessive nail-biting can cause the enamel on your teeth to chip or crack and, if you have been biting your nails for years, it can cause your teeth to misalign, which will require corrective retainers or aligners.
If you have a healthy heart
The link between excessive levels of plaque in the mouth and poor heart health has been known for decades.
Therefore, when you visit our team for a check-up, we will have a pretty good idea of how healthy your heart is by looking at your teeth. Should we feel that you have a concerning amount of plaque, we will perform a scale and polish to get you and your teeth back in top shape.
All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.